Infrastructure in Baden-Württemberg. On the way to the digital construction site: from conception to practice. Topics, questions and solutions around the topic of BIM introduction in road construction management. Based on concrete practical examples from award-winning, ongoing and planned BIM pilot projects.


Bringing BIM on the road – Virtual Live Event

Infrastructure in Baden-Württemberg. On the way to the digital construction site: from conception to practice. Topics, questions and solutions around the topic of BIM introduction in road construction management. Based on concrete practical examples from award-winning, ongoing and planned BIM pilot projects.

Live in Talk

Inspiring moderated by:

Céline Flores Willers

Céline Flores Willers is one of the best-known German influencers on LinkedIn. She was named a LinkedIn Top Voice in 2018 and 2019 for her contributions on the topics of innovation, entrepreneurship and future trends. She is now followed by over 100,000 professionals.

Tanja Jakovljevic

Ministry of Transport BW

BIM Officer of the Road Construction Administration of the State of Baden-Württemberg

Heiko Engelhard

Stuttgart Regional Council

Chief Building Director Eastern Division for implementation in practice

Christoph Strecha

Founder and CEO of PIX4D

Pioneer in modern photogrammetry since 2011: for professional surveying with images.

Nicolai Nolle

CEO, viscan

BIM conception and consulting for technical implementation



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