Real partners for
Augmented Reality

vigram® and vGIS are strategic partners with the goal of redefining construction site management with high-precision augmented reality. Together we are working to streamline surveying, simplify utility locating and improve the construction site with engineering-grade AR solutions.

“There are countless opportunities to assist people on construction sites in doing their job easier, faster and safer by providing a clear view of work on hand with engineering-grade AR.”

Alec Pestov
Founder and CEO, vGIS

The strategic partnership between vigram® and vGIS involves two dimensions.

Section 1

Advanced augmented reality surveying tools

Paired with the cm-precise viDoc®, vGIS offers a completely new way of GIS data collection. Unlike traditional methods that rely on 2D maps, resulting in additional quality assurance steps and errors, augmented reality-based GIS data capture provides instant visual feedback to confirm the accuracy of the captured data. The streamlined process also reduces the time required to capture common objects such as sewer pipes, telecom cables and gas lines.

Section 2

AR solutions for construction site management

vGIS AR provides effortless access to BIM, GIS and reality capture information for everyone on site. The ability to see geospatial data in the form of precise augmented reality overlaid with centimetre accuracy thanks to the viDoc® receiver allows workers to consult plans and engineering drawings in the most intuitive way.

You are interested in vGIS?

Describe your project to us. We will get back to you as soon as possible.


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